3 Point Competition

Grades – 2nd, 3rd, and 4th
Players will shoot from the spots designated with the red stars.
Three (3) shots per spot.
Each shot will be worth 2 points.
Champion, runner up, and 3rd place will be awarded.
Players will be placed based on the most points scored.
Grades – 5th, 6th, and 7th/8th
Players will shoot from the spots designated with blue stars.
Will receive a max of 1:30 to make as many shots as possible.
Clock begins on first shot.
Players will receive a total of 4 attempts at each mark – attempts will have designated points.
Shot attempts 1-3 will be worth 2 points.
4th shot attempt will be worth 3 points.
The final mark will be placed at half court – if made this shot will be worth 5 points.
Max points scored will be 50 points.
Champion, runner up, and 3rd place will be awarded.
Players will be placed based on the most points scored.